September 8, 2024

About Us

I’m RJ Satwinder Rajpal, hailing from the vibrant and culturally rich Malwa region of Punjab. With a deep love for music and a passion for connecting with people, I have found my calling as a Radio Jockey.

Having grown up immersed in the vibrant Punjabi music scene, I developed a keen ear for catchy beats and soulful melodies. As an RJ, I bring that infectious energy and love for music to the airwaves, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for my listeners.

With my charismatic personality and witty sense of humor, I strive to brighten up the airwaves and uplift the spirits of my audience. Whether it’s hosting live shows, spinning the latest hits, or engaging in entertaining conversations, I am dedicated to keeping my listeners entertained and connected.

Being from the Malwa region of Punjab, I am deeply rooted in the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the land. I take pride in showcasing the best of Punjabi music, arts, and literature, celebrating the essence of our vibrant culture.

Beyond the radio waves, I am passionate about community involvement and social initiatives. I actively participate in events and programs that promote unity, inclusivity, and the well-being of our society.

When I’m not behind the microphone, you can find me exploring new melodies, attending live music concerts, and embracing the essence of Punjabi hospitality. I find inspiration in the diversity of our region and aim to share that sense of joy and warmth with my listeners.

Join me on this musical journey as we celebrate the spirit of Punjab, connect with our roots, and create unforgettable memories through the power of music. Tune in, let loose, and let the rhythm of life guide us to new heights.

  • RJ Satwinder Rajpal